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Radfahrer! Wenn das Fahrrad oder der Körper auf Mallorca streikt

Mallorca Bicycle Rescue A Mallorcan answer to Murphy’s law Mallorca Bicycle Rescue want to make sure that you have the best Majorca cycling trip possible. If you have their cover, a number of vehicles island-wide are available to you if and when you may need...

Cycling in Mallorca, our best ever day on a bicycle DE

The Swedish in Mallorca Cycling Paradise 18 Ladies – Our best ever day on a bike Cycling from Andratx to Port Pollenca was without a doubt our group’s best ever day on a bike. I was one of a group of eighteen ladies all from Sweden. We booked to go from...

Radfahren in Cala Tuent. Sa Calobra mal anders!

Nachdem wir Sa Calobra schon oft befahren hatten und uns immer gefragt hatten, was sich auf der Straße befand, die etwa 4/5 der Strecke bergab nach links abbiegt, machten wir es uns zur Aufgabe, der Sache auf den Grund zu gehen und herauszufinden, was es mit dem...

Bus out, bike back in Mallorca DE

How to Discover More of Mallorca Our impressions of Mallorca Cycle Shuttle In 2016 we used the impressive Mallorca Cycle Shuttle for the first time. They picked us up and dropped us back off at the airport, all very efficient and both drivers were welcoming and...